Seaford station location
Station location

Sea Conditions at

Long Island New York USA
Latitude 40 degrees 38.9 minutes North
Longitude 73 degrees 29.5 minutes West

A service of LIShore.

Page last updated 04/18/2024 16:25 CDT

Station status: Station operating normally.
Bay Tide on Seaman's Creek at Seaman's Neck Park.
See notes below regarding level references.
Time [no data] Highest, last 24 hr Lowest, last 24 hr
Water level [no data] feet ([no data] meters) MSL
[no data] feet NGVD29
[no data] feet ([no data] meters) MSL
[no data] feet NGVD29
at [no data]
[no data] feet ([no data] meters) MSL
[no data] feet NGVD29
at [no data]
Tide Tide is [no data].
Rate of change: [no data] feet/hr
([no data] meters/hr).
Water temperature [no data] deg F ([no data]deg C) [no data] deg F ([no data]deg C)
at [no data]
[no data]deg F ([no data] deg C)
at [no data]


  1. Real-time data are unchecked and preliminary. Please read this disclaimer.
  2. MSL = measurement referenced to Mean Sea Level. Seasonal and weather system biases highly affect estuarine water levels, therefore the MSL datum for this station is preliminary until data are collected over a sufficient length of time to define it accurately.
  3. NGVD29 = measurement referenced to National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929.

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Data may be unchecked and preliminary, for further information read this disclaimer

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